Fluid flow measurements and quantification at the microscale matters for health: How flow-cell interactions help understand obstruction of key medical devices and suggest novel designs

Fluid flow measurements and quantification at the microscale matters for health: How flow-cell interactions help understand obstruction of key medical devices and suggest novel designs


Phase contrast imaging of the response of astrocytes to short high fluid shear stress of 30 mPa at T = 72 h. Here (above each column), t is the duration for which the high fluid shear stress is imposed. Astrocyte cells cultured under continuous long-term moderate fluid shear stress (b) exhibit more detachment, while those from static culture (a) only show change in cell morphology, with noticeable regions of cell retraction. Scale bar is 200 μm.

Learn more about how fluid flow measurements and quantification at the microscale matter for health and how flow-cell interactions help understand obstruction of key medical devices and suggest novel designs here.


Lee, S., Kwok, N. W., Holsapple, J., Heldt, T., Bourouiba, L. (2020) Enhanced wall shear stress prevents obstruction by astrocytes in ventricular catheters. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 17:20190884. PDF and  SI.

Bourouiba, L., Lee, S., and Heldt, T., (2019) Cerebrospinal fluid space draining catheters. Provisional US Patent - serial number 62/937,975.