Fluids & Health Network

Teaching Graduate and Undergraduate Courses:

  • Fluids and diseases (1.063-1.631/HST.537/2.250, newly developed and taught at MIT since 2014)
  • Nonlinear dynamics and turbulence (1.068-1.686/18.358/2.033, newly developed and taught at MIT since 2014)
  • Evolution of an Epidemic (HST.434)
  • Multivariable calculus (18.02)
  • Differential equations (18.03) 
  • Nonlinear dynamics II: continuum systems (1.062/18.354/12.207)
  • Linear Algebra (equivalent of 18.06 at MIT)
  • Topics in Biophysics and Physical Biology (guest lecturer, 8.590/7.74/20.416)
  • Undergraduate seminars in physical applied mathematics (guest lecturer, 18.384)
  • Nonlinear dynamics I (guest lecturer, 18.353/2.050/12.006)
  • Engineering Solutions to Societal Challenges (guest lecturer, 1.008)
Teaching Worldwide and Online:
Short Programs – Professional Education:
  • High-Speed Imaging for Motion Analysis: Systems and Techniques, MIT Professional Education Short Program: Faculty Lecturer on High-speed Imaging in Physics and Health Sciences.
  • Agriculture, Innovation, and the Environment, MIT Professional Education Short Program: Faculty Instructor on Disease Transmission, Sprays, and Surface Sciences relevant for food safety and agriculture, with combined lectures and Laboratory demonstrations.
K-12 Education in STEMS – Lecture and Hands-on-Activities Materials Derived from Bourouiba Group’s Research:

Mathematics: Introduction to histograms and distributions using the Bourouiba Group’s respiratory disease transmission research.

Physics and mathematics: Disease spread between plants using the Bourouiba Group’s foliar disease transmission research.

With testimonies from K-12 students and teachers, including Ms Howard and Garcia’s classes and others:

Broader Mentoring Inside and Outside of the Classroom:
  • Faculty mentor at the MIT Impact Program: A program of career development for post-doctoral and advanced pre-doctoral trainees at MIT and the broader Boston area. More on the program here.
  • Catalyst LinQ Faculty mentor: Catalyst brings together multidisciplinary experts to work together in an iterative process to identify and validate unmet medical and health-related needs, discover new project opportunities, and develop action plans. More on the program here.
  • Faculty recipient of the 2019 Ole Madsen Mentoring Award in recognition of conspicuous contributions to inspiring, mentoring, and educating students.
  • Creation of the Fluids and Health inaugural Conference in 2019, to train the next generation of thinkers on the important problems at the intersection of fluid dynamics/biophysics and health, broadly defined, including topics in infectious diseases and the link between the sciences and policy. This inaugural event was a hybrid between a conference and school, with in-depth lectures for training on topics at the frontier of the field, combined with flash-talks  to give opportunities to junior participants to present and network. The conference had built-in activities meant to foster intellectual exchanges between junior and senior researchers in team work, and enabled exchanges between policy makers,  scientists and engineers at various stages of their careers. Team projects were ongoing throughout and  student and fellow presentation sessions were organized to enable both presentations by the fellows/students on their ongoing research, in addition to presentations of team work outcomes from the conference.   Panels with leading experts in academia, industry, and government entities and from a range of fields were an important part of the exchanges and career development of the junior participants. Further exchanges took place with  problem solving sessions and awards for best project presentations, in addition to many exchanges during outings and boat tour or hands-on activities and lab demos.  Many new or strengthened collaborations were established, including some researchers finding positions in new areas of research and the synergies formed continue to grow. Next iteration will be 2022 in the form of a now established Gordon Research Conference focused on Fluids and Health: Fluids in Disease Transmission and Contamination: August 2022! 