Fluids & Health Network

Closing of the inaugural 2019 Fluids and Health Conference

Closing of the inaugural 2019 Fluids and Health Conference

Dear Colleagues,

The Fluids and Health inaugural 2019 Conference now wrapped up.

The meeting was a great success, full of stimulating discussions at the interface of fluid dynamics and health, great intellectual exchanges, problem solving sessions, new or strengthened collaborations, and an exciting scientific vision for a growing field.

We will be posting summary pictures on this site and twitter in the coming months.

Looking forward to seeing all of you and more at the next Fluids and Health meeting.

Subscribe to the mailing list and/or twitter to stay in touch for announcements of related events and the next meeting/conference in Fluids and Health.

Finally, thank you to all our sponsors and partners for making this fantastic intellectually stimulating event possible!

Yours sincerely,

Prof. L. Bourouiba

Conference Chair 2019