Flow visualization using fluorescent particle tracking by high-speed microscopy in catheter. Pathlines of fluorescent particles illustrate the entry of a flow, followed by the confluence of flows in the lumen. The Reynolds number is 0.5. The plane of focus of the microscope objective was located to the middle plane of the catheter. Scale bar is 200 μm.
Learn more about how fluid flow measurements and quantification at the microscale matter for health and how flow-cell interactions help understand obstruction of key medical devices and suggest novel designs here.
Lee, S., Kwok, N. W., Holsapple, J., Heldt, T., Bourouiba, L. (2020) Enhanced wall shear stress prevents obstruction by astrocytes in ventricular catheters. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 17:20190884. PDF and SI.
Bourouiba, L., Lee, S., and Heldt, T., (2019) Cerebrospinal fluid space draining catheters. Provisional US Patent – serial number 62/937,975.