Coverage of our publications on Human Health (respiratory diseases):
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Nature – New Feature (2016) The snot-spattered experiments that show how far sneezes really spread
Feature in Science Translational Medicine (2016) Fluid dynamics of disease transmission
New England Journal of Medicine (2016) International Media Coverage
Experiments of Fluids (2016) coverage: MIT Spotlight; MIT NEWS; BBC NEWS; CBS NEWS
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2014) coverage: Science Magazine, MIT news coverage, MIT Spotlight page, Scientific American, and other press broader coverage, including: The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, The Sydney Herald, Chicago Tribune, Fox News, The Daily Free Press, Le Figaro, Europe1, etc. with more at Altmetric.
General Overview of our papers and main contributions in this domain featured in special documentary productions:
Fluids and Health International Conference: founded in 2019
NPR: Health
Science Friday and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) production: Connecting the Drops
Inside Science Documentary, by the American Institute of Physics: Fish, Feathers, Fluid, Phlegm and Freaks: Featuring five new stories from the field of fluid dynamics that involve floating, preening, swimming, spitting and sneezing. Our group’s segment discusses research on fluid dynamics in respiratory disease transmissionstarting at 11:52 min.
MIT Institute for Medical Engineering and Science Bourouiba Group Feature
MIT 3Q Questions: Transmission in times of Ebola spread.
Educational Material on Transmission of Respiratory Diseases: ScienceFriday.
More ressources here.
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